Full screen mode is highly recommended. The game works well in Chrome. Firefox sometimes has issues with mouse capture (meaning you can't aim properly). Be sure to click the fullscreen icon on the Firefox popout window!

It's easy to miss because Firefox launches at a decent resolution to start with.

The power hungry AI collective are attacking the reactor and you are the only thing standing in their way. The reactor is crucial for providing power to the entire sector. You must not let it fall. You will do everything in your power to stave off their attacks.

This is a game vaguely about power if you hadn't noticed.

Can you survive the onslaught?


WASD Movement

Space Jump

Shift Janky Dash

Left click Shoot

Mouse movement to aim



Furious Freak & Ropocolypse 2

Both sourced from:



Metal Lord

Sourced from:


Programming, 3D Modelling, Animation and Sound Effect by Tom Phillips (Zailef)


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The randomization in how those little drones were flying was really good, they can be buggers to hit!

Thanks for checking it out, and sticking with it despite the early lag spikes!


That was really cool! Didn't think I'd manage to beat it but just about scraped through. Victory!

There's also a handy bug feature where if you do lose and play again, it'll kick off from the wave you got to lol

I neither confirm nor deny exploiting that feature.